1. It gives fuel to those with very weak and low
immune this
ability.with the help of fuel, the immune engine (system) in the body will start to fight abnormal cells and foreign invaders.
2. Each component in R. P. G. provides a different function.
They are like different weapons; when working together, they function synergistically, attacking the enemy from different
3. The most remarkable characteristic is how it enhances your ability to fight cancer cells. It will directly interfere with growth and destroy those cancer cells.
1. It boosts NK-cells (natural killer cells) to produce more interferon (IFN-r),
to defend you from viruses and potentially harmful matter.
2. It helps stimulate macrocytes to release H2O2 which can break cancer cells,
and then ingest the foreign invaders. Finally, cancer cells stop dividing, expanding,
and growing.
3. It’ll enhance the body’s immune system, aid self-curative powers or healing ablility,
and prevent the recurrence and spreading of cancer cells.
4. It can be used in conjunction with chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
5. It can activate white blood cells and lymphocytes.
6. It enhances the function of B cells by forming antibodies.
7. It alleviates pain, nausea, sleeplessness, anorexia, low energy, and weakness
caused by chemotherapy
Components (Ingredients): Polysaccharides, Beta-D glucan,
Adenosine, Alkaloid, Triterpenoids, Lentinan, Multi-Amino acids, Org. Germanium, mineral, rare elements.